
AI 4 Orcas

SRKW dorsal fin reflection mimics a waveform envelope.

The AI for Orcas (#ai4orcas) effort is an open-source, open-data collaboration of many different people and companies. Its goal is to help humans cooperate to build and use artificial intelligence (AI) for orca conservation efficiently, starting with the recovery of the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs).

Building on a 20-year history of AI experiments by the Orcasound open-source project, the initial focus here is on SRKW signals and hydrophones within their range — from California to Alaska — including across the international border in Washington State and British Columbia, Canada. However, the expectation is that each open AI innovation inspired by SRKWs will be shared to conserve and study other orcas, including other Northeast Pacific ecotypes and globally. Simultaneously, we are committed to developing bioacoustic tools with other open-source efforts to listen for soniferous species, whether they inhabit marine, aquatic, or terrestrial environments.

Thus, this site is a clearinghouse for technical information about open-source artificial intelligence related to orca bioacoustics, including machine learning, active learning, and deep learning. It is also a showcase of related open-source software projects and open training and testing data. Anyone working openly on these bioacoustic tools and data science challenges is welcome to have a WordPress account so they can blog, create a project page, help administer this site, etc.

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